These are some of the sickest patients you’ll see in the ED and ICU. In this episode, we discuss incredibly useful pearls and pitfalls in the management of acute on chronic liver failure.
Post-Arrest Ventilator Management
In this episode, we review the critical pearls and pitfalls in ventilating the post cardiac arrest patient. Are lung protective strategies useful? What is the target SpO2, FiO2, and PaO2 for these patients? Is mild hypercapnea beneficial? We answer these questions and much more on this can’t miss episode.
Steroids for Septic Shock? Where is the Pendulum Now?
In this podcast, we discuss the recently published ADRENAL study and its implications for the use of steroids for patients with refractory septic shock? Great thought provoking comments in this lively discussion!
Reversal Strategies for Life-threatening Bleeding due to DOACs!
He’s back! Bryan Hayes joins the podcast to discuss the latest evidence pertaining to the reversal of life-threatening hemorrhage secondary to the direct oral anticoagulants. The pearls are simply to numerous to count!
Top Articles 2017 – Part II
In this podcast we complete our discussion of articles from the 2017 emergency medicine and critical care literature that have potential practice changing implications. ED mechanical ventilation, sedation and analgesia, and sepsis. What you NEED to know!
Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices
What do you do for the patient in cardiogenic shock who is not responding to vasopressors and inotropes? Should you place a mechanical circulatory support device as a bridge to PCI or CABG? We discuss the pearls and pitfalls of the latest devices.
An Approach to Refractory Hypoxemia
The use of a PEEP recruitment maneuver is common among ventilated patients with refractory hypoxemia. However, a recent JAMA study questions whether we should be using this in our patients. In this podcast we discuss this article and an approach to the patient with refractory hypoxemia while on the ventilator.
Noninvasive Ventilation for the Emergency Physician
We know NIV works well for patients with acute COPD or acute CHF exacerbations. In this episode we discuss the evidence for NIV not only in COPD and CHF, but also a myriad of other conditions. Do you know what the latest guidelines say on NIV for asthma, immunocompromised patients, or undifferentiated acute respiratory failure? Take a listen!
ED Mechanical Ventilation Pearls
In this podcast we discuss the pearls and perils of ED mechanical ventilation. What are the numbers you NEED to know! We also discuss the critical points of post-intubation analgesia and sedation. Still providing benzo’s to your intubated ED patient? Better listen to this episode!
Hyponatremic Encephalopathy
Hyponatremia is one of the most common electrolyte disorders encountered in emergency medicine and critical care. Patients with hyponatremic encephalopathy represent a severe form of hyponatremia that must be rapidly treated. In this episode, we discuss pearls and pitfalls in treating this critical condition.