The Critically Ill Patient with HHS


Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome (HHS) is a potentially life-threatening hyperglycemic emergency that has a mortality that can be 10 times as high compared with patients who have diabetic ketoacidosis. Resuscitation of these complex patients can be fraught with peril and result in patient harm and poor outcomes.  In this podcast, we discuss the identification and resuscitation of patients with HHS.

Ketamine or Etomidate for RSI?


Etomidate and ketamine are frequently used for RSI in critically ill patients.  Recent articles have raised concern about an increased incidence of post-intubation hypotension in patients who receive ketamine for RSI.  Notwithstanding, is either agent superior for RSI in the critically ill?  In this podcast we discuss the recently published EvK trial, which evaluated etomidate and ketamine for RSI in …



Resuscitating the sick patient and providing ongoing critical care is incredibly challenging in critical access locations and resource limited EDs.  In this podcast, we interview Dr. Eric Klotz who has runs a hugely successful mobile critical care team that provides ongoing critical care and resuscitation to patients requiring transfer from resource limited settings.

The BOUGIE Trial


More than 1.5 million patients are intubated each year in the United States.  In up to 20% of patients, the first attempt at intubation is not successful and places patients at risk for peri-intubation cardiovascular collapse and death.  In recent years, many providers have used the bougie as either a rescue device for failed attempts or during the initial attempt at intubation.  In …



The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect millions of patients worldwide.  While the majority of children have milder illness compared with adults, some develop multisystem inflammatory syndrome with a significant increase in morbidity and mortality.  In this podcast, we discuss a recent review article on MIS-C as it pertains to the pediatric patient with COVID-19.

Vasopressin and Steroids for IHCA?


In 2009 and 2013 investigators published studies that demonstrated improved outcomes in patients with IHCA who received vasopressin and steroids in addition to epinephrine.  However, both US and European cardiac arrest guidelines have not endorsed these medications due to lack of additional evidence.  In this podcast we discuss the recently published VAM-IHCA trial, which evaluated vasopressin and steroids for patients …

Milrinone or Dobutamine for Cardiogenic Shock?


Hemodynamic management of patients with cardiogenic shock centers on vasopressors, inotropes, and mechanical circulatory devices.  With respect to inotropic medications, there is little data to guide optimal management and selection of agents.  In this podcast we discuss the results of a recent trial that compared milrinone with dobutamine for patients with cardiogenic shock.  Which agent was the winner?